Nov '17


Packages 3.2 released!

After a somewhat long wait, I'm pleased to announce the latest version of Packages which acts as a mini-CI service and allows you to host a private Composer repository. Packages has been in service for many years now and this latest version brings many improvements!

Packages 3.2

Probably the most noticeable features are the design tweaks on the landing page, as well as the new Available Packages page that lists all the projects and versions provided by the repository. In addition, many usability issues were worked out and a bunch of stuff was reworded to be much more clear.

Another big feature is the ability to fully secure Satis-related files behind a login. When Composer tries to fetch the packages.json file, it will prompt you for the username and password-- the same as configured to access the backend management. If security is enabled (by specifying secure_satis: true in config.yml), the Available Packages page will also be secured behind the login.

And a few more:

  • Added ability to create dist archives (archive: true in config.yml)
  • Added ability to customize company and contact information
  • Added example docker-compose.yml to get you up and started in a snap!
  • Various internal upgrades, like the ability for plugins to bind HTTP handlers and compiler passes.

Screenshot of 'Available Packages' page.
Screenshot of the 'Available Packages' page.

Get your hands on it

Download the latest release on GitHub. Let me know what you think!



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